Cabral Photography

Cabral Photography
Model - Rosanna Relton -

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Run for your lives!!!!!

Over the last 6 months I’ve been trying to take as many different types of photographs as I can.  I’ve done a Boho shoot, a Grunge shoot and a 1950’s Tea Party.  These have been fun but I wanted to do something different, very different.  Enter the Zombie. 
 Zombies are a shoot I’ve wanted to do for a long time.  Logistics was always the problem.  I would need a model, I would need a makeup artist and I need to light it properly.  It’s really funny how things just come together.   I found my model Tia Burns on Facebook photography, model group.  She was so much fun to work with and willing to go creepy, which is a very important trait for a model to have for a zombie shoot. 

 Makeup was provided by Andrijana from Cupcakes&Spiders.  I’ve used her in the past and look forward to further work.  Her Zombie makeup was outstanding!  The detail was incredible.  The open, weeping and bloody flesh wounds were fantastic (I never thought I would say such a thing). 
Also a big thank you to my photography partner Darryn.  His technical expertise and lighting was paramount.  I’m so glad that we have joined forces.  This will open so many future opportunities for Cabral Photography.

This shoot was very interesting.  The model, despite all her makeup and bloody wounds still looked quite nice.  I had to make her look evil.  I accomplished this by mucking around with her eyes.  I cloned some of the blood (fake blood) on her forehead and painted her eyes.  Now she looks creepy!




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